

What is grade A36 steel?

ASTM A36 is a low carbon steel. Low carbon steels are classified by having less than 0.3% carbon by weight. This allows A36 steel to be easily machined, welded, and formed, making it extremely useful as a general-purpose steel. The low carbon also prevents heat treatment from having much of an effect on A36 steel. A36 steel usually has small amounts of other alloying elements as well, including manganese, sulfur, phosphorus, and silicon. These alloying elements are added to give A36 steel its desired chemical and mechanical properties. Since A36 does not contain large amounts of nickel or chromium, it does not have excellent corrosion resistance.

ASTM A36 steel plates will have a lot of equivalent materials, such as A283C, FE360B, E24-2, Chinese material Q235B, Japan material SS400 and SM400A, European material EN S235JR, Germany material DIN ST37-2, etc. Those equivalent materials have little difference in chemical composition and mechanical properties, below are some of the grades comparison for your reference:

ASTM A36 steel plates and A36 equivalent materials chemical composition: (%)
Grade C (t≤16mm) Si  Mn P S Cu N
Q235B 0.20 max 0.35 max 1.40 max 0.045 max 0.045 max - -
A36 0.26 max 0.40 max - 0.040 max 0.050 max 0.20 min -
A283C 0.24 max 0.04 max 0.09 max 0.035 max 0.040 max 0.20 min -
S235JR 0.19 max - 1.50 max 0.045 max 0.045 max 0.60 min 0.014 max
ST37-2 0.21 max - - 0.065 max 0.065 max - 0.010 max
SS400 - - - 0.050 max 0.050 max - -


ASTM A36 steel plates and A36 equivalent materials mechanical properties: (%)
Grade Yield strength ReH/(N/mm2) (t≤16mm) min Tensile strength Rm/(N/mm2) (3mm≤t≤16mm) Elongation A/% (3mm≤t≤40mm) min Charpy V test
Temperature/℃ Impact energy (Longitudinal)/J min
Q235B 235 370-500 26 +20 27
A36 250 400-550 23
A283C 205 380-515 25
S235JR 235 360-510 26 +20 27
ST37-2 235 360-510 26 +20 27
SS400 245 400-500      


What is A36 for?

A36 low carbon steel is used in many different industries for a variety of applications because of its relatively low cost. Also, as mentioned, the mechanical properties make it particularly suited for structural applications. Many bridges are constructed with A36 steel. Likewise, buildings are frequently created with A36 steel because of its high strength and toughness. A36 steel is also used for components in the automotive, construction, heavy equipment, and oil and gas industries.


What is SS400 material equivalent?

The ASTM equivalents for JIS G3101 SS400 steel are ASTM A36 and ASTM A283C; the EN equivalent for JIS G3101 SS400 steel is S235JR. The DIN equivalent for JIS G3101 SS400 steel is ST37-2; and the GB equivalent for JIS G3101 SS400 steel is Q235B.