SUS410 Stainless Steel

SUS410 Stainless Steel

Stainless Steel - Grade 410

Chemical Formula

Fe, <0.15% C, 11.5-13.5% Cr, >0.75% Ni, <1.0% Mn, <1.0% Si, <0.04% P, <0.03% S



Grade 410 is the basic martensitic stainless steel; like most non-stainless steels it can be hardened by a "quench-and-temper" heat treatment. It contains a minimum of 11.5 per cent chromium, just sufficient to give corrosion resistance properties. It achieves maximum corrosion resistance when it has been hardened and tempered and then polished. Grade 410 is a general purpose grade often supplied in the hardened, but still machinable condition, for applications where high strength and moderate heat and corrosion resistance are required.

Martensitic stainless steels are optimised for high hardness, and other properties are to some degree compromised. Fabrication must be by methods that allow for poor weldability and usually the need for a final heat treatment. Corrosion resistance of the martensitic grades is lower than that of the common austenitic grades, and their useful operating temperature range is limited by their loss of ductility at sub-zero temperatures and loss of strength by over-tempering at elevated temperatures.


Key Properties

These properties are specified for bar product in ASTM A276. Similar but not necessarily identical properties are specified for other products such as plate, wire and forgings in their respective specifications.


Typical compositional ranges for grade 410 stainless steels are given in table 1.

Table 1. Composition ranges for 410 grade stainless steel

Grade C Mn Si P S Cr Mo Ni N
410 min. - - - - - 11.5 - 0.75 -
max. 0.15 1.00 1.00 0.040 0.030 13.5


Mechanical Properties

Typical mechanical properties for grade 410 stainless steels are given in table 2.

Table 2. Mechanical properties of 410 grade stainless steel

Tempering Temperature (°C) Tensile Strength (MPa) Yield Strength 0.2% Proof (MPa) Elongation (% in 50mm) Hardness Brinell (HB) Impact Charpy V (J)
Annealed * 480 min 275 min 16 min - -
204 1310 1000 16 388 30
316 1240 960 14 325 36
427 1405 950 16 401 #
538 985 730 16 321 #
593 870 675 20 255 39
650 755 575 23 225 80
* Annealed properties are specified for Condition A of ASTM A276, for cold finished bar.
# Due to associated low impact resistance this steel should not be tempered in the range 425-600°C


Physical Properties

Typical physical properties for annealed grade 410 stainless steels are given in table 3.

Table 3. Physical properties of 410 grade stainless steel in the annealed condition

Grade Density (kg/m3) Elastic Modulus (GPa) Mean Coefficient of Thermal Expansion
Thermal Conductivity
Specific Heat 0-100°C
Electrical Resistivity (nW.m)
0-100°C 0-315°C 0-538°C at 100°C at 500°C
410 7750 200 9.9 11.4 11.6 24.9 28.7 460 570


Grade Specification Comparison

Approximate grade comparisons for 410 stainless steels are given in table 4.

Table 4. Grade specifications for 410 grade stainless steel

Grade UNS No Old British Euronorm Swedish SS Japanese JIS
BS En No Name
410 S41000 410S21 56A 1.4006 X12Cr13 2302 SUS 410
These comparisons are approximate only. The list is intended as a comparison of functionally similar materials not as a schedule of contractual equivalents. If exact equivalents are needed original specifications must be consulted.


Possible Alternative Grades

Possible alternative grades to grade 410 stainless steels are given in table 5.

Table 5. Possible alternative grades to 410 grade stainless steel

Grade Why it might be chosen instead of 410
416 High machinability is required, and the lower corrosion resistance of 416 is acceptable.
420 A higher hardened strength or hardness than can be obtained from 410 is needed.
440C A higher hardened strength or hardness than can be obtained even from 420 is needed.


Corrosion Resistance

410 resists dry atmosphere, fresh water, mild alkalies and acids, food, steam and hot gases. Must be hardened for maximum heat and corrosion resistance. Performance is best with a smooth surface finish. Less corrosion resistant than the austenitic grades and also less than 17% chromium ferritic alloys such as Grade 430.


Heat Resistance

Good resistance to scaling up to approximately 650°C, but generally not recommended for use in temperatures between 400 and 580°C, because of the reduction in mechanical properties.


Heat Treatment


Full anneal - 815-900°C, slow furnace cool to 600°C and then air cool.
Process Anneal - 650-760°C and air cool.


Heat to 925-1010°C, followed by quenching in oil or air. Oil quenching is necessary for heavy sections. Temper, generally within the range 200-400°C, to obtain a wide variety of hardness values and mechanical properties as indicated in the accompanying table.

The tempering range 400-580°C should generally be avoided.



Readily welded by all standard methods, but a pre-heat of 150-260°C and post-weld annealing treatment is required to reduce the possibility of cracking. Use Grade 410 welding rod if post hardening and tempering is involved. If parts are to be used in the "as welded" condition, a ductile joint can be achieved by using Grade 309 filler rod.

AS 1554.6 pre-qualifies welding of 410 with Grade 309 rods or electrodes.



In the annealed or highly tempered conditions grade 410 is relatively easily machined, but if hardened to above 30HRC machining becomes more difficult. Free machining grade 416 is a very readily machined alternative.