SUS440C Stainless Steel

SUS440C Stainless Steel

Martensitic Stainless Steel 440A, B, C

Grade 440C is capable of attaining, after heat treatment, the highest strength, hardness and wear resistance of all the stainless alloys. Its very high carbon content is responsible for these characteristics, which make 440C particularly suited to such applications as ball bearings and valve parts.

  • Hardenable high-carbon chromium steels designed to provide stainless properties with maximum hardness
  • Have maximum hardness together with high strength and corrosion resistance in the hardened and stress relieved condition
  • Always used in the hardened or hardened and stress relieved conditions
  • None of the alloys has its full corrosion resistance either in the annealed or in the hardened and tempered condition
  • Wide applications where good corrosion resistance along with high hardness or abrasion resistance is required



  • Used in numerous applications in areas where a very hard and abrasion resistant stainless is called for
  • Applications include pivot pins, dental and surgical instruments, cutlery valve parts, ball bearings, nozzles, hardened steel balls and seats for oil well pumps, plus valve parts


Corrosion Resistance

These stainless steels have good corrosion resistance in the hardened and stress relieved conditions. Hence, they should, usually, be used only in that condition. These steels are resistant to such conditions as fresh water, steam, crude oil, gasoline, perspiration, and alcohol.


Property Type 440A Type 440B Type 440C
Carbon .60 - .75 .75 - .95 .95 - 1.2
Manganese 1.00 max 1.00 max 1.25 max
Silicon 1.00 max 1.00 max 1.00 max
Phosphorus .04 max .04 max .04 max
Sulfur .03 max .03 max .04 max
Chromium 16.0 - 18.0 16.0 - 18.0 16.5 - 18.0
Molybdenum .75 max .75 max .75 max
Nickel .50 max NA NA


Mechanical Properties
Property Annealed Type 440A Hardened & Stress Relieved Annealed Type 440B Hardened & Stress Relieved Annealed Type 440C Hardened & Stress Relieved
Ultimate tensile strength, psi 105,000 260,000 107,000 280,000 110,000 285,000
0.2% Yield strength, psi 60,000 240,000 62,000 270,000 65,000 275,000
Elongation, % in 2? 20 5 18 3 14 2
Reduction of area, % 45 20 35 15 25 10
Rockwell hardness B95 C51 B96 C55 B97 C57
Impact strength Izod V-Notch, ftlbs NA 3-6 NA 2-5 NA 1-5



Because of the high carbon content, these alloys have an abrasive action on cutting tools. In the annealed condition, their machinability rating is about 40% compared to Bessemer oven stock (AISI B1112). As heat treated, the 440 series are difficult to machine because of their high hardness. For parts that require extensive machining, the free-machining versions, Type 440F or Type 440F Se, offer improved machining properties.



If annealed for maximum softness, Types 440A, 440B, and 440C Stainless Steels can be moderately cold formed with only slightly more difficulty than the lower carbon, lower chromium grades of stainless steel. They can also be hot headed. Preheating in the range of 1400 - 1500° F insures the best results in hot working. Parts should be furnace cooled after hot working to prevent cracking.


Heat Treatment

PROCESS ANNEAL: Heat at 1350-1450° F then cool very slowly in the furnace. FULL ANNEAL: Heat uniformly at 1550-1600° F soak and cool slowly in furnace to 1000-1250° F at a rate of 20-50° F per hour, then cool in air, oil, or water.

HARDENING: Preheat slowly to 1450° F and soak, then raise temperature to 1850-1950° F, quench in warm oil or air. Products hardness of C55-58 Rockwell. STRESS RELIEVE: Heat to 300-800° F for 1 to 3 hours, air cool.